Daily Archives: November 27, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday (29)

 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish.  Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.

This week the topic is:

Top Ten Most Anticipated Book of 2013

1. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer:  Cinder was one of, if not THE favorite book that I read for 2012.  I loved it so much and I wanted Scarlet as soon as I closed Cinder.

2. Asunder by Jodi Meadows: Another great one!  Incarnate was a wonderful and beautiful read.  The scenes were abolutely artistic and I loved Sam.  This book had a very interesting story idea and a gorgeous cover to go with it.

3. Through the Zombie Glass by Gena Showalter: Alice in Zombieland was another favorite 2012 read!  It wasn’t really a Alice retelling like I thought it was going to be, but it was awesome none the less and has one of the most booty kicking heroines ever, so naturally, I can’t wait for the sequel.

4. My Name is Rapunzel by K.C. Hilton:  Out of all of the retellings coming out, this is the first I have seen for Rapunzel, and being a person who has long hair and gets called Rapunzel, I am a bit partial to this princess!

5. Enders by Lissa Price: I really enjoyed Starters and it was filled with action and twists, so I must know what happens next!

6. Ashes on the Waves by Mary Lindsey:  This is another retelling, but not a fairy tale retelling, but a Poe retelling of his poem Annabel Lee.  The cover is beautiful and I can’t wait to read the story.

7. The Murmurings by Carly Anne West: This one has a promising creep out factor, so I am hoping it scares the bejeezus out of me.  Even the cover is super freaky looking.

8. The Archived by Victoria Schwab:  I loved The Near Witch and this author’s writing style is excellent, one of my favorites.

9. The Madman’s Daughter by Megan Shepherd: This one sounds incredible!  It has a crazy man’s horrific experiments and his daughter is afraid his madness run in her veins, too.  I can’t wait to see all the crazy in this novel.

10. Sever by Lauren Destefano:  The final book of the Chemical Garden Trilogy!  I am excited to see how everything is going to end and what happens to who and who gets a happy ending and such.

So what are your top ten anticipations?


Filed under Top Ten Tuesday, Weekly Memes