Top Ten Tuesday (38)

Top Ten Tuesday Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish.  Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.

This week the topic is:

Top Ten Books I’ve Read So Far This Year

1. Scarlet – I LOVED Cinder, and Scarlet was definitely not a disappointment!  There are some really great new characters in this installment, including the swoon worthy Wolf.

2. The Fault in Our Stars – This was a very beautiful story and very moving and heartbreaking but wonderful.  I will remember this book always.

3. Days of Blood and Starlight – I loved seeing the chimaera so much in this one and Ziri is a favorite new character for this series.

4. Lola and the Boy Next Door – Lola is great and Cricket is just too cute.  Stephanie Perkins writes some wonderful and quirky characters.

5. On The Jellicoe Road – Another story that is going to be with me forever.  This was such a wonderful read and I had a book hangover after this one.

6. Asunder – The cover of Incarnate is what originally drew me in to read this series, and I am glad I let the cover decide on that for me.  Asunder was a fantastic follow up for the second installment of this trilogy.

7. Dear Teen Me – This was a very short and quick read, but it was so great!  I loved reading the letters authors wrote themselves and thought they were very inspiring.

8. Black Heart – This was a great finish to the Curse Workers series and it was the most suspenseful book of the trilogy.

9. The Battle of the Labyrinth – I just love the Percy Jackson series and the mythological world in it.

10. Catching Fire – I really enjoyed this one, especially since we really got to see Katniss and Peeta’s relationship build more here that we didn’t get to see in The Hunger Games.

I plan on reading a bunch more great books, but these are the best ones so far.  What are the top reads for you so far this year?

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Filed under Top Ten Tuesday, Weekly Memes

23 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday (38)

  1. Catching Fire is pretty good 🙂
    My Top Ten books so far can be found here:

  2. Jellicoe Road is one of the best books ever. I am one of the few who actually loves Saving Francesca even more. I just adore all Marchetta’s contemporary novels.

    My TTT

  3. Awesome list!
    I really need to read Cinder because I’ve heard that it’s amazing so I can get to the sequel haha. The Fault in Our Stars looks so good as well!
    Percy Jackson is such an amazing and epic series. I loved every singe book so much. I would recommend reading the spin-off series, The Heroes of Olympus. It’s not as good, but pretty darn close.
    I have Catching Fire on my list too. The Hunger Games series is in a class of it’s own, and omg it’s just too get to put into words lol

    My Top Ten

  4. I NEED to read Scarlett! And I’ve been meaning to read Days of Blood and Starlight and Lola and the Boy Next Door for ages! Great list!

  5. I have Jellicoe Road on my list, as well. I didn’t expect to love it as much as I did. The Fault in Our Stars was pretty good and lived up to the hype but boy was it heartbreaking.
    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday

  6. Scarlet was so, so great! I JUST finished it and I’m so glad that I finally got to it!
    I love that Catching Fire is on your list too! The first two books of THG are just awesome! I loved re-reading CF 🙂

  7. I REALLY need to read Scarlett and Cinder. They’ve both been on my TBR list for so long now!

    TTT @ Krista’s Dust Jacket

  8. I need to finish Days of Blood and Starlight. I started the audio soon after I finished the audio for book one, but I wasn’t in the mood for it and stopped listening. I’ve seen Cinder and Scarlet on lots of lists, but Cinder wasn’t for me. I LOVE Lola and the Boy Next Door!

  9. Kierra

    Oh, wow! We have quite a few same tastes for books! Though I read Scarlet and Lola and the Boy Next Door in 2012. 🙂

    Great list!

  10. Yay for choosing SCARLET – love Wolf! 🙂

    TFIOS and JELLICOE ROAD! Those books truly are fantastic. Great top ten!

  11. readerswonderland

    I’ve read almost all of these and LOVED them! I still need to read Jellicoe Road, but I will definitely get to that soon! Great picks! Thanks for stopping by my list.

  12. The Fault in Our Stars and Jellicoe Road are both fantastic books! Possibly two of my favourite ever contemporary reads. I really want to start the Newsoul series, the covers are all really pretty and the books sound really interesting. Great list!

  13. You have SUCH good taste in books, I must say. We’ve read many of the same books, it seems! 😉 I really enjoyed Scarlet as well, and thought it was better than Cinder. Wolf was definitely swoon-worthy. I actually have had Asunder sitting on my shelf ever since it came out, but haven’t picked it up yet!! Hopefully I’ll get to it soon.The entire PJO series is just phenomenal. Like, Rick Riordan knows how to write for his audience. And Catching Fire, I thought, was just as great as The Hunger Games. ❤

    Lovely picks!!

  14. Days of Blood & Starlight was AFREAKINGMAZING! After Harry POtter, that’s my favorite series EVER! The Fault in Our Stars made it onto my list as well! Love Lola and Catching Fire too 🙂
    My TTT:

  15. Gypsi

    I just got The Fault in My Stars from the library; I’ve been hearing about it since it’s publication. Sounds like I really need to read it!

  16. Looking forward to finally reading Blood and Starlight! Glad to see it on your list. Hope the second half of 2013 brings on more amazing reads for you.

  17. It’s great seeing some of my favourites on your list such as Days of Blood and Starlight, Lola and Jellicoe Road. I still need to read The Fault in OUr Stars, I’ve seen it in on so many lists today!

  18. I loved Cinder too, so I’m so glad to hear that Scarlet wasn’t a disappointment! That’s next up on my to-read list. So excited to meet Wolf 🙂 Very cool to keep seeing TFIOS and Jellicoe Road on lots of these lists, too. Clearly I have to read those two!

  19. Scarlet is on my top list! 😉

  20. Great list! The Curse Workers series is one of my fave ya series. And I also enjoyed The Hunger Games books 🙂

  21. I really, really, REALLY need to read The Fault in Our Stars. Really! Great list!

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