Daily Archives: October 30, 2012

*Review* Alice in Zombieland – Gena Showalter

 Alice in Zombieland

Gena Showalter

404 pages

ISBN: 9780373210589

Read 10-22-12

Format: Hardcover

Source: Borrowed

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She won’t rest until she’s sent every walking corpse back to its grave. Forever.

Had anyone told Alice Bell that her entire life would change course between one heartbeat and the next, she would have laughed. From blissful to tragic, innocent to ruined? Please. But that’s all it took. One heartbeat. A blink, a breath, a second, and everything she knew and loved was gone.

Her father was right. The monsters are real….

To avenge her family, Ali must learn to fight the undead. To survive, she must learn to trust the baddest of the bad boys, Cole Holland. But Cole has secrets of his own, and if Ali isn’t careful, those secrets might just prove to be more dangerous than the zombies….

I wish I could go back and do a thousand things differently.
I’d tell my sister no.
I’d never beg my mother to talk to my dad.
I’d zip my lips and swallow those hateful words.
Or, barring all of that, I’d hug my sister, my mom and my dad one last time.
I’d tell them I love them.
I wish… Yeah, I wish.

This book was so awesome!  It is definitely not your ordinary zombie tale.  Instead of the usual sluggish, walking dead physical zombies, these are actually spirits that are infected and they are strong and fast.  Also, you can’t just shoot them in the head to kill them, it’s much harder.  It was definitely a book I could not put down, one of my favorites this year and I want the next one NOW.  Why must I wait an entire year?!

This book was very exciting in several different ways and there is so much more to learn and uncover.  The action scenes were really well-written and not at all confusing.  The whole thing reads so fast and I would have finished it sooner than I did if life had let me sit down to it more.

There are so many characters I liked.  Ali of course was awesome.  She had to deal with a huge tragedy and she bounces back well.  Her friend Kat is quite a character.  Incredibly upbeat, incredibly fiesty, and an awesome friend.  Ali’s grandparents were funny old folks who had some hilarious lines where they try to talk slang.

“You’re smart, pretty and you’re not a douche purse.”
If I’d had food in my mouth I would have spewed it.  Douche purse?  She must mean douche bag.  But okay, I could roll.  I was getting used to her filthy, funny mouth.  Pg. 265

As for Cole, I wasn’t too crazy about him at first.  I do like a confident, strong male lead, but in the beginning, he was a bit too forceful and a jerk.   It was like he was two different people at first, but eventually we got to see who he was and I definitely warmed up to him.

The cover of this book is one of my favorites because of the details in it; the little skulls, the symbolds of the card suits, and the skull & crossbone design on the inside of the hardcover.  All I have to say is READ THIS BOOK!  A great book and a great Halloween read.

Zombies, action, great characters, witty banter.


Filed under 4.5 Stars, Action, Fiction, Horror, Paranormal, Review, Supernatural, Young Adult

Teaser Tuesday (32)

 Tuesday is a weekly meme anyone can take part in, hosted my MizB at Should Be Reading.  To participate all you have to do is get the book you are currently reading, open to a random page, and post a two sentence teaser that doesn’t contain spoilers.  Make sure you don’t forget to let us know the title and author of the book so people can add it to their To Be Read list if they liked the teasing!

Here’s my teaser:

 “She’d seen the report on the news, the charred remains of a body found in the locker room of their rival school, Mariner High.  It was a gruesome murder and so far the body hadn’t been identified.”  Pg. 5

Grethen McNeil


Filed under Teaser Tuesday, Weekly Memes

Top Ten Tuesday (27)

 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish.  Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.

This week the topic is:

Top Ten Kick-Butt Heroines (Sorry I don’t cuss LOL ;-P)

 1. Katniss from The Hunger Games:  She is awesome and I am sure she will be on a ton of lists.  It takes a lot to go through and survive what happeneed to her.

2. Ali from Alice in Zombieland:  This book was awesome and so was Ali.  Quite a fighter in more ways than one.

3. Cinder:  She is a cyborg!  She is an awesome cyborg.

4. Hermione from Harry Potter: Duh.  Smart, awesome and knows her magic!

5. Callie from Starters: She had to deal with a ton of stuff in this book and she kept on going, the thought of her brother keeping her strong.

6. Linsday Boxer from The Women’s Murder Club series:  I really like this detective; she is smart, fearless and always stands up for what is right.

7. Karou from Daughter of Smoke and Bone: She has blue hair and awesome abilities, both magical and artistic.

8. Eleanor from Something Strange and Deadly: She is either really brave or really dumb for the dangerous things she did.  Another who kept up with what she was doing for the love of family.

9. Lexi from The Near Witch:  She wasn’t afraid to stand up for what she knew was right, even if her “proper” role was to stay at home with all the other women.  She was brave and wanted to protect those she cared for.

10. Anna from Anna Dressed in Blood:  She is one wickedly awesome ghost!


Filed under Top Ten Tuesday, Weekly Memes