Musing Monday (28)

Musing Mondays Musing Mondays is a weekly meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading.  Each week we will get a fun reading related question to answer.  This week Musing asks:

Courtesy of Booking Through Thursday,
How do you organize/store your books? Do you go through them often? Or do you pretty much just shelve them and then leave them alone until you need them?

I’m a shelver!  I do group them, though.  Currently, I have them grouped by adult, read YA, TBR YA, manga, textbooks and my old books from when I was a kid, like Goosebumps, Animorphs and Christopher Pike.  I am still working on getting my office area unpacked and set up, so they aren’t all on their shelves just yet, but it probably won’t get any more organized than that!

Vyki Signature Trans 2


Filed under Musing Mondays, Weekly Memes

9 responses to “Musing Monday (28)

  1. That’s how I do mine too! My top shelf is ones I need to read ASAP because if I don’t separate them, I’ll forget about them. Then YA read, YA not read, chick lit, and a whole shelf for Janet Evanovich books. Then a whole separate book case for my mysteries! 🙂

  2. Daystarz Books

    Sadly I only have one book from when I was a kid – I don’t recall owning a lot of books then but we used the library every week.

  3. I like it! I sounds similar to my organization, sort of.
    Have a great week!

  4. Good luck with unpacking the rest. I love full shelves.
    Thanks for dropping by on my musing monday

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