Top Ten Tuesday (24)

 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish.  Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.

This week the topic is:

Top Ten Tuesday Rewind: Fictional Crushes

1.  Etienne St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss: If you have read this book, then you probably understand.  If not, you should and join the fan club.  He is considerate, sweet, caring and totally swoon worthy. Plus, he has an accent!

2. Noah from Pushing the Limits: Noah is wow all the way.  A bad boy who is a lot more caring than he lets on and really knows how to show he cares.

3. Sam from Incarnate: He is one of my biggest book crushes, mainly because he is the most like my other half in real life.  He reminds me so much of my boyfriend that I couldn’t not like the guy!

4.  Quince from the Fins series: He is fun and silly, but knows when to be serious.  He is also a protector and I am a sucker for the protector types.  Plus, he shows how devoted he is.

5. Ren from Tiger’s Curse: Aside from being tall, dark and handsome, he can turn into a frickin’ WHITE TIGER.  I’m sold!

6. Edward from Twilight: Yes, I am one of those girls, and this only counts for the book version of Edward, not the movie version.  He is the perfect guy and what girl wouldn’t want the perfect guy?  He is sweet and romantic and he can even play the piano.  Also, he is another protector.

7.  Kona from Tempest Rising: He ws pretty fun, but something I find very attractive, is confidence and he came off VERY confident.

8.  Akiva from Daughter of Smoke and Bone:  Another strong male character, Akiva has such a hard exterior, but he is actually not as hard as he looks.

9. Hmm…….seems I have run out!  I am either really hard to please for crush worthy characters or I haven’t been reading all the right books for them.  Who are some other swoon worthy guys I need to read about?

Check out my new Saturday meme Cover Crush!


Filed under Top Ten Tuesday, Weekly Memes

12 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday (24)

  1. Etienne!!!! Eep I love him! I’m so glad I FINALLY got around to reading Anna! Definitely one of my top books ever. EVER 🙂

  2. Amy

    Definitely agree on Noah from Pushing the Limits 🙂
    Great list, haven’t heard of all of them though.
    Check out my list here

  3. St. Clair! He would totally be on my fictional crush list. Same for Noah. Gosh, totally in love with Noah. But I would have to include Mr. Darcy! He would be my number one.

    Fun list!

    Here’s my TTT

  4. Fun topic! Akiva and Etienne are two I like a lot. I really need to read Tiger’s Curse sometime too.

  5. Etienne and Noah are two of my top fictional crushes, haha! I really need to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, I feel like the only person who hasn’t read it yet!

    My TTT

  6. Noah and Entienne, OMG I LOVE THEM! ❤ I have the same problem, I haven't done my post, yet … and I probably won't, but I feel as if there are so many guys! I just either wasn't interested/ I can't remember. How about Vincent from "Die for Me/Until I Die" by Amy Plum. Wait … is his name Vincent? Kaidan from Sweet Evil! ❤ *Faints* Definitely read those, if you haven't already (: Nice picks.

    ~Annie & Demi

  7. I found it hard to pick guys too. I thought I would have tons, but I struggled to pick ten. Great picks!

  8. I picked Fictional Crushes too!! But, you like the protective, sweet guys and I picked the sarcastic mean ones. 🙂 Great list!!!!

    Here’s my TTT!

  9. I’m head over heels for Hector from Rae Carson’s books The Girl of Fire & Thorns and The Crown of Embers. My gosh, that man… And he’s a protector!

    My TTT:

  10. Pingback: In My Mailbox (23) and Weekly Wrap-Up | On The Shelf

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